Thermostat Interface

Make an easy and simple, smart thermostat interface that everybody can use. Using competitive assessment I looked at competition to see what worked in the competitions and what didn't, and how I could take that and apply it to my design.

Make a website for the Tree Fort Children's Museum that is not only easy to use and informative but appealing to parents and children to make them want to visit. Through Lofi testing and content patterns, I made a website navigatable and simple enough for even children to use.

Treefort Museum Website

Unity Streaming

A service that syncs all your streaming services onto one app instead of switching to a different app all your services are in one place. That organizes and keeps that streaming service feel to it all In one place.

Designing a combo analog/digital onboarding experience with a small group of peers. Our group was given the task ro make Create a web app with all resources for a new dorm resident.

EWU Dorm Web App

Automatic Hot Drink Dispenser

My goal is to build and market a “create/mix-your-own” hot drink dispenser that can be placed in public spaces and does not need to be monitored by a person. Think of it like an automated barista.
