Unity Streaming
Dates: May 23- June 6
Student Project
Make your user’s life a little easier.
A service that syncs all your streaming services onto one app instead of switching to a different app all your services are in one place. That organizes and keeps that streaming service feel to it
Collect information from users via interviews, to help get to the core of what my users need from your streaming service.
I learned that while searching for something to watch the people I interviewed had to switch between streaming services to try to find something unless it was a show that they were planning on watching.
Lo-Fi Prototype
I made a rough draft of how I wanted everything organized. Organization is important and making it easy to maneuver was important
The best way to organize everything and how I wanted the layout to be like. Also, I got a good Idea of what the user flow was going to look like.
Hi-Fi Prototype
I organized every service by their respective branding color to make each what movies were from each service, with a dark mode color scheme, went with a modern look, and chose a type
My service kept that streaming feel with a good organization and didn't deviate from the usual user flow you see in these different services.