TreeFort Museum Website
Dates: March 1-March 23
Student Project
Make it fun and make them want to come!
Make a website for the TreeFort Children’s Museum that is not only easy to use and informative but appealing to parents and children to make them want to visit and inform
Content Patterns
Look at all the content on the original web page to see what kind of web pages we would need to design and the content we need to have, as well as interactions.
I learned that there was a lot of room to add content. The web page was somewhat barren having what seemed like the bare minimum.
Competitive Assessment
Looked at the competition and looked at what made their product good or bad or what kid of strengths and weaknesses. To improve upon them when making my design.
Have a good amount of color that kids will like.
Have a modern look. A healthy amount of pictures work nicely. Don’t have an overwhelming amount of text and information.
Lo-Fi Tree Testing
I planned out how I wanted all the content organized and a little of what content I wanted to go where, and if the groupings will work.
I had all my content organized worked well and was easily navigable. I learned that I did have some pages that were unnecessary, and needed to be merged with another or taken out entirely.
Hi-Fi Prototype
I Added Vibrant colors a child would like. I made it modern looking for parents, Added photos that showed what kind of exhibits they have and what they look like, Cut certain pages, and mixed them together, and Kept typography consistent.
I made the web page appealing to kids and parents by adding color, and a typeface that was clear but fun enough to appeal to kids. Organized information that won't overwhelm parents and more pictures so a parent or child could see and want to go experience it for themselves.